8:00 AM08:00

Cabin Fever Reliever

We’re having our first meet of 2025 on Saturday, April 5, at Stetson & Pinkham’s Mercury Service Dealership, in Waldoboro, Maine.

Lincoln Davis has, again, offered his huge outbuilding for us to gather, rain or shine. There's a nice opportunity to tour Lincoln's antique outboard museum and stop by the shop where we have our winter work nights.

We'll have our annual auction again starting at 11am. Dig out some things to donate and make room for whatever you’re bringing home.

Fantastic fresh roasted coffee provided by Green Truck Coffee Company, owned by members Steve and Barbara Gilchrist. We'll grill up something for lunch. Donations of food or funds are welcomed.

After lunch we’ll have our Annual Business Meeting. This is usually a great discussion about the state of the club and an opportunity for brainstorming for future development.

Come join us in breaking winter's back and kicking off a new season.

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8:00 AM08:00

Swan Lake

Mark David is putting together a meet on Swan Lake in Swanville. We’ll put in at the public landing in the village, then motor to the other end of the lake (3 miles) to beach up at the State Park. The park is closed so there is no way to drive in to the meet. Details to follow.

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Damariscotta Lake 2025
8:00 AM08:00

Damariscotta Lake 2025

  • 86 Cedar Lane Nobleboro, ME, 04555 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Steve and Barbara Gilchrist are, again, hosting a meet for us at their home on Damariscotta Lake in Nobleboro. Great boating on this beautiful lake,,appropriate for any size vessel, from canoe to cabin cruiser. Their place is just across from the public landing in Jefferson on Rt 213.

This is a family friendly event. Their home has all the amenities, including indoor plumbing! Steve and Barbara are grilling up some burgers and dogs, and they welcome any other offerings for the lunch spread.

Great water, great friends, plan to spend the day. Contact Steve at 910-581-6850 with any questions

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Peter's 4th of July Meet
4:00 AM04:00

Peter's 4th of July Meet

  • 14 Windy Cove Rd, Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come to Peter’s place for a July 4 gathering. We’ll participate in the Belgrade Lakes July 4th Boat Parade where the crowd really likes to see the old ones running. Meet at Peter’s home at 14 Windy Cove Ln, Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918. Bring your own lunch and beverages. We’ll have a grill available. We leave at 10am to head over for the parade, then back to Peters for lunch, swimming, etc.

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Mt. Blue Western Mountain Camp-a-rama
to Jul 16

Mt. Blue Western Mountain Camp-a-rama

  • Mt. Blue State Park Campground (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rick and Nancy are inviting us out to Mt. Blue State Park for the Best Meet Ever! We’ve rented out a lakeside group camp site on the sandy shore, just south of the boat ramp. Our most rugged members camp out on site and enjoy several days of boating. The main meet is Monday, where day trippers roll in, but we have the site from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday morning. The setting is spectacular. We always have a good turnout. Plan your summer around this one!

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 Rick's Clearwater Pond Meet
8:30 AM08:30

Rick's Clearwater Pond Meet

  • 8 Clearwater Pond Rd Industry, Maine (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rick Matson is hosting us at a friend’s cottage on beautiful Clearwater Pond in Industry, Maine. Load in at the public ramp, park in the lot across the street. Motor over to the meet site at the camp to the right of the town landing, where you’ll see a bunch of old guys and older boats and motors. Limited room for parking at the camp.

Bring your own food and beverages to this event. Don’t wait until you get there as the local store is closed.

Contact Rick for further details rnmaine@gmail.com

Rain Date in effect!!!: Meet moved to Sunday August 11

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Exhibition:  Town of Union Sestercentenial Celebration
3:00 PM15:00

Exhibition: Town of Union Sestercentenial Celebration

The Pine Tree Boating Club has been invited to participate in the Town of Union’s celebration of it’s 250th year by offering a display of antique outboard motors and vintage boats. We’ll have a tent set up n Ayer Park on Rt 235 in Union. Load your boat into Seven Tree Pond and then park your vehicle across the street on Ayer Hill Rd. We’ll do a display on land and sea.

Please bring some motors and outboard related items for display. This will be an opportunity for visitors to learn about our hobby and about the Antique Outboard Motor Club, possibly encouraging new members to join.

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Lake St. George 2024
8:00 AM08:00

Lake St. George 2024

We’ll gather at Lake St. George State Park for a meet on Friday, June 30. This is a fabulous body of water, appropriate for all sizes of boats and motors. Great fishing and swimming. Good landing. The park opens at 9am but we’ll be loading our boats in at the public ramp just west of the park and motoring over to the cove nearby. The parking lot gets full, so early is better. Please help our invasive plant inspectors get all the necessary details.

This a a Maine state park and day use fees apply. Individuals pay at the gate at the park entrance. Free for adult Mainers over 65. Pretty damned cheap for the rest of us.

Lunch will be provided. Probably something really good. : )

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Pequawket Pond (aka Horne Pond)
8:00 AM08:00

Pequawket Pond (aka Horne Pond)

Orman and Dave are hosting us again at this great meet site in southern Maine. This will be our first wet meet of the season. (Let’s hope for a dry day for our wet meet). A great opportunity to show off what you’ve been working on during the Winter.

Plenty of parking. Nice ramp. We’ve been coming here for a couple of years now and it’s always a great day! In reach for our flatlander friends “down south.”

Rain Date: May 18, 2024

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8:00 AM08:00

Peter's Labor Day Meet

  • 14 Windy Cove Rd, Belgrade United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The other bookend to summer fun at Windy Cove. Same deal. Peter provides a grill and the lake. Bring your own food and beverages, and maybe something to share. Load in right at his place or at the public landing if you prefer that.

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Drew and Clara's Freedom Pond Meet
8:00 AM08:00

Drew and Clara's Freedom Pond Meet

  • 30 Ledges Lane Freedom, ME, 04941 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Drew and Clara for another great day on Freedom Pond. If you’ve been to this meet before, you know what great hosts they are and what a beautiful setting this is. This is not lined up with Freedom Day this year, so no Fire Department chicken barbecue, no Tickles the Clown, but some nice refreshments and lots of laughs. Feel free to bring your own lunch and/or something to share with the group.

Load your smaller boats in at Drew’s at 30 Ledges Lane, or use the public landing across the pond and motor over to Drew’s. Email drewgfales@gmail.com with any questions.

See photos of the 2019 meet at https://finch-manatee-kk3h.squarespace.com/config/pages/5e153c212bf7fe00a39a8294

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Rick's Clearwater Pond Meet
8:00 AM08:00

Rick's Clearwater Pond Meet

  • 8 Clearwater Pond Road Industry, ME, 04938 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rick Matson is hosting us at a friend’s cottage on beautiful Clearwater Pond in Industry, Maine. Load in at the public ramp, park in the lot across the street. Motor over to the meet site at the camp to the right of the town landing, where you’ll see a bunch of old guys and older boats and motors. Limited room for parking at the camp.

Bring your own food and beverages to this event. Don’t wait until you get there as the local store is closed.

Contact Rick for further details rnmaine@gmail.com

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8:00 AM08:00

Dave and Orman's Pequaket Pond Meet

  • Moy Mo Da Yo REcreational Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yep, the meet is on at Pequaket Pond (also known as Horne Pond) in Limington, Maine. It’s a great meet site on a beautiful pond in southern Maine. Excellent landing with no pressure from crowds. We’re keeping it simple by asking attendees to bring their own food and beverages. COVID protocols apply (masks, social distancing, etc) but the fun will prevail!

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Bud's Meet, Saturday March 7, 2020
7:30 AM07:30

Bud's Meet, Saturday March 7, 2020

  • 601 Ridge Rd Bowdoinham United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bud’s famous Cabin Fever Reliever and the 2020 Annual Business Meeting of the Pine Tree Boating Club Chapter of the AOMCI. Come early, catch up with friends, and tour Bud’s expansive collection. Bring items to swap and sell, or donate to the club for the highly entertaining auction facilitated by member Howard Whitten. Lunch will be provided

10:00 Auction

11:30 . Lunch

1:00 . Business Meeting

Set your GPS to

601 Ridge Rd, Bowdoinham, ME 04008

Call Bud at 207-721-2725 if you have questions.

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